Hello world!

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Greetings and welcome to my blog.  Who am I?  Wife, mother, daughter, friend, and C-level executive for twenty years.  If you want the professional details – go to LinkedIn.  You’ll find lots of details but the short bio says I am a Business-focused Executive with experience in ensuring technology empowers and supports highly effective management throughout the business. Stand-out abilities include ensuring delivery of quality products and services and strategically focused management decision making. Successful in finding ways to ensure technology is never an afterthought but rather forms the basis for competitive capabilities and advantage.

More importantly, I’m a “people” person.  I’m not really an extrovert so when I say I’m a people person, what I mean is that I love all the complexity that people present.  Learning who they are, what makes them tick, what their strengths are and what demons they are challenged by in daily life.