About Me

How many times have you been asked to provide a short bio or information about yourself?  It’s pretty daunting isn’t it?  Essentially, it comes across as a “bare your soul” type of request regardless of whether you’re signing up for FaceBook or if you are completing a job application.  Try creating any profile online, and you will be confronted with the dreaded “About Me” segment.

Let’s face it.  You don’t know me.  You won’t know me if you read a 500 word Bio describing who I am and what I’ve done during my life.  The only way you will “know” me is if you work with me, hike with me, golf with me, or spend time with me and my granddaughter as we tinker around the kitchen creating arts and crafts or DIY recipes.  You might begin to get to know me if you are invited to one of our (my husband and I) parties at our 100 year old Craftsmen bungalow in downtown Phoenix.  You might begin to understand who I am if you spend more than a few hours with me in the Boardroom, or during a client visit, or working with a team of my best and brightest technologists.  If you have the opportunity to garden with me, you might begin to know me a bit more clearly.

If your ambitious, you might Google me to get to know me better.  What you’ll find is a potpourri blend of professional and personal links that identify me as an executive, entrepreneur, technologist, boss, daughter, wife, mother, author, golfer, cook, gardener, and amateur interior designer.  What you won’t know is that I am a strange blend of risk taker and conservative soul.  It might not be clear that I’m philanthropic by nature, and sometimes a bleeding heart liberal (sometimes).  I’m strangely sensitive and amazingly thick-skinned.  I’m a good friend and a distant friend all at the same time.

In short – I’m me.  Just as you are you.  And is so often the turn of phrase for “about me” circumstances; it’s nice to meet you!

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