A New Chapter

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Exploration and introspection are such powerful tools.  In the past two months, I’ve been exploring who I am, what I know, what I don’t know, what’s important to me, and what is unnecessary for me to hold on to in order to step into the next Chapter of my life.  I’m lucky.  I have a wonderful life partner and husband who is such a thinker.  I’m pretty certain he is compiling ideas, creations and thoughts even while he sleeps.  We’ve been doing a good deal of brainstorming.  We are both huge fans of Phoenix and Arizona in general.  He’s a native Arizonan and I figured out a while back that this was always going to be home for us.  We wanted to develop a business idea that would provide for us, friends, family and Arizona.

This month we are launching our brainchild, SmallStreetUSA.com.  I’ve been researching and putting finishing touches on the business plan and developing step-by-step components of the business.  Today I learned that we made it into the semi-finalists spot with SeedSpot.Org, an incubator newly birthed itself in Arizona.  I’m excited by the opportunity to meet and network with the good folks who have founded this start-up incubator as well as begin the journey to building out SmallStreetUSA.com.

A New Chapter… Stay tuned!

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